UkraineAlert Feb 21, 2022

Experts React: Russia just ordered troops into Ukraine again. What happens next?

By Atlantic Council experts
via New Atlanticist

Weeks of dire Western warnings began to bear out on Monday when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops into eastern Ukraine after recognizing the independence of two separatist regions. Europe’s post-Cold War security order hangs in the balance.

With Ukrainian troops facing a formidable enemy on their own soil, Western policymakers must scramble to respond to a geopolitical nightmare come to life.

As the fast-moving situation on the ground develops, our experts are weighing in on what this perilous moment means for Ukraine, Europe, and the wider world.

By Peter Dickinson  @biz_ukraine_mag
The main event was Putin’s televised Monday evening address, which quickly turned into a breathless and highly emotional rant against all things Ukrainian.

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By Thomas Warrick  @TomWarrickAC
A full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine could yet be prevented by bringing together Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden to strike a last-minute geopolitical deal.

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By Lucy Minicozzi-Wheeland  @LucyWheeland
Vladimir Putin’s eight-year war against Ukraine has had a profound impact on Ukrainian identity and done more for national unity than any other single factor since Ukraine regained independence three decades ago.

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By Frederick Kempe  @fredkempe
In every crisis lies opportunity, but it’s anyone’s bet how deep the crisis Putin unleashes will be, or how lasting the Western response.

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By Ben Judah and Damir Marusic
The view from Vilnius, Lithuania, and Washington about a crisis that is both familiar and taking us into uncharted waters.

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#ACFrontPage event  | February 22, 12:30 p.m. (ET)
Minister Kuleba discusses what is at stake in Ukraine and how the international community can stand with Ukraine on the front lines of democracy.


Online event  | February 22, 9:00 a.m. (ET)
Finland has stood strong in the face of increased aggression from its neighbor Russia. A top Finnish official will share his views on the current crisis over Ukraine, the West’s response, and more.

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